The Delaware Valley Daylily Society meets several times per year for speakers, tours and plant sales. Most of the meetings are held in the Western Suburbs of Philadelphia, PA which is the most central location for the wide geographic area covered by the club.
Dues are $10 per address and include our newsletter and membership directory.
Pay for membership online by clicking this link
Click this link for a printable Membership Application
Member Activities and Events:
March: Catered Luncheon with a speaker. The speaker is usually a nationally known daylily hybridizer who gives us an idea of what's coming to market in the near future, and other insider info to make us better daylily growers.
May: New Member Luncheon and Plant Swap. Meet all our new members and take home as many plants as you bring. It's a great way to try new plants and recycle plants that have outgrown their space in your garden. We encourage people to bring things other than daylilies, but there are always some daylilies too.
July: Open Garden Tours. Each year members open their gardens to other club members. Date and times are publicized only to the club membership.
August: Split & Splash. Members bring donated cleaned plants for dividing and tagging for the sale. Volunteers bring a dish to pass while drinks, snacks and the main course is provided. It's a great time to get to know fellow club members and have a great time helping out the club.
August: Daylily Sale and Members Auction: Our annual daylily sale fundraiser is held in Paoli each year. Following the sale, is a members-only auction of cutting-edge daylilies bought by the club. The plants are raised for a year by members to assure their winter hardiness and then auctioned off to the highest bidders. Both the sale and auction are great ways to pick up exciting new plants.
November: Fall pot luck luncheon with speaker. Our end of the year party with a potluck lunch and noted daylily speaker.